Table of Contents

Minimum and Maximum Ages

An act of the National Assembly to prevent certain behavior before the age of reason and when senility is most likely to occur.


  1. At 3 years of age
    1. Compulsory schooling begins
  2. At 16 years of age — Age of maturity
    1. Citizenship may be granted
    2. Nationalization may be granted, giving the right to vote
    3. The right to work parttime begins
  3. At 18 years of age — Age of license
    1. Compulsory schooling ends
    2. The right to work fulltime begins
    3. Right to possess licenses:
      1. Hunting license
      2. Driver's license
  4. At 20 years of age — Age of majority
    1. Military service is allowable
    2. Holding an elected position is allowable
    3. Consumption of mind-altering substances is allowable
  5. At 60 years of age — Age of Retirement
    1. The right to vote ends
    2. Taxation of any form ends
    3. The right to work ends; volunteering permissible (Constitutional Title V, Article 8)
    4. The right to possess licenses expires


Nihil Obstat, High Court of Keithieopia

Imprimatur, ⊗ /HIH Keith/
Emperor of Keithieopia

6th Nanamar 20 IY ⇔ July 5th, 2022 HY
