…newly foundedDominion of
Keithieopia in 2002; and
…Emperor Keith ofthe Dominion of
Keithieopia, first citizen of Keithieopia
TheDominion of
This document may be cited as “The Third Constitution ofthe Dominion of
The nation's full name is the “Dominion of
The National Assembly shall have seats proportional to the population of each prefecture represented thereof, with a minimum of one seat per prefecture. The total number of seats shall equal three times the number of prefectures.
All offices shall extend 30 days past assumption of duties so that aperiod of transition may occur
The Chancellery can be consulted by the Emperor on the questions concerning the interests ofthe Dominion
Identification must be provided and confirmed in order to vote
The day of the election shall be declared a national holiday so that all citizens have the opportunity to vote
25th Keithmar 20 IY ⇔ December 21st, 2022 HY