====== Hokoria Diplomacy ====== An act of the National Assembly to further the [[https://keithieopia.org/assets/diplomacy/hokoria-keithieopia-diplomacy.pdf|Order of Foreign Relations between Hokoria and the Dominion]] (the order). ===== Provisions ===== - Section 1: - The Emperor shall be the Dominion's representative, per Constitutional Title III, Article 7 - The Emperor shall maintain a presence on the Hokorian Discord server to maintain effective relations between the two nations - Section 2: - At the time of signing, no Hokorian land overlaps with Dominion land - All lands possessed by Hokoria are hereby legally recognized as such. - The Dominion shall state no claim to such land possessed by Hokoria. - The Dominion shall not officially recognize a third-party nation who lays claim to Hokorian land. - All government officials of Hokoria are to be treated with utmost respect as foreign dignitaries of [[https://keithieopia.org/assets/diplomacy/hokoria.pdf|a recognized nation of the Dominion]] - Section 3: - The Dominion hereby waives its right to wage war with Hokoria granted under the order. - Should Hokoria lay claim to Dominion land, the Dominion shall terminate the order (KCN-2023-02) effective immediately - Section 4: - The Dominion shall keep Hokoria abreast of all changes in diplomacy between the two nations. ===== Authority ===== //Nihil Obstat//, High Court of Keithieopia //Imprimatur//, ⊗ /HIH Keith/\\ ''Emperor of Keithieopia'' 2nd Unomar 21 IY ⇔ January 2, 2023 HY {{tag>Hokoria}}